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Showing posts from February, 2018

Leadership Summit

My leadership summit meeting was very insightful.  I met with Lauren Newman and Sarah Caitlin Wheat and we discussed our ideas for leading group.  They encouraged me to start with a warmup activity that can also be linked to what we could close with in order to increase generalizability.  They helped me think of common tasks associated with care of pets and agreed that the pet Bingo would be a fun activity. I helped them think of ideas as well.  Lauren needed help figuring out how exactly to plan her activity, so I encouraged her to assign people their own profile so they have a general idea of how to approach their activity.  I helped Sarah Caitlin plan her activity by telling her she should have group members discuss the areas they need improvement when doing their daily chores.  Having them write out a schedule can keep them accountable and provide a visual checklist of chores needed to be done.  Overall, the leadership summit was a helpful time to brainstorm ideas.

Group Facilitation Reflexion #2

Overall, I think the group on care of pets went well!  Timing went well as far as the warmup activity, activity, and wrap-up.  Everyone was willing to introduce themselves and their pet schedule.  While everyone participated from the start, I think I should have started out having everyone introduce themselves and their pet, then we could have moved into the warmup activity.  Instead, I had everyone introduce themselves, their pet, and their pet schedule all in one which was a lot to remember.  The warmup activity went well, but I should have given the group members their Bingo sets from the start because it got a little chaotic after I passed out the cards since everyone wanted to see the pictures of their pets on the cards.  I did feel like the activity went slowly, so I think there could have been improvements made to let it be a little more exciting.  Everyone was willing to participate in the sharing portion.  I really enjoyed hearing everyone's strategy to being a pet owner a

Group Facilitation Reflection #1

Based off Worksheet 3-1, I would say our building empathy group did well on the introduction portion of the group.  The main place I could see improvement would be that we could have outlined the time frame of the group a little better to the group, but I think overall we did well with our warm-up and introductions.  As for the activity portion, I believe we did well.  We had appropriate timing and directions were clearly given on how to complete the activity.  Sharing went even better than I anticipated because everyone was willing to read their scenarios and opinions.  We also had great processing time as well because group members were willing to share their thoughts on other individual scenarios as well as provide feedback about their own perspectives.  Generalizing and group motivation were also evident as everyone was willing to encourage one another and apply their thoughts to their own experiences.  I think everyone had sufficient time to share and everyone really seemed to gra