Allie Calhoun, a character from the beloved movie, "The Notebook," winds up developing Alzheimers disease. Not only does she forget her loved ones (especially her grandkids), but she also experiences Sundowner's Syndrome where she changes to anger and frustration when the sun goes down. OT services will aim at helping create a schedule and routine for her to engage fully in activities which she loves, such as painting and playing the piano. Focusing on maintaining a schedule will hopefully reduce her confusion and panic. Also, the schedule will be sure to incorporate time where she can spend doing the activities she has always loved to do. OT should also focus on caregiver education as Allie's husband, Noah, is intimately involved in her care. Integrating family involvement and investing in their health is key in this situation in order to help Allie be involved in activities that bring meaning to her life.
Occupational therapy is a beautiful profession filled with countless opportunities. As a student, I am astounded each day by the adaptability of a profession created to center around the client and not the practice. Join me as I muse the beauty of a profession that not only pushes you to become a more competent practitioner but also drives you to discover the uniqueness found in each individual.