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Ted Talks by Aimee Mullins

The older I have grown the more I have seen the crippling effects of societal mindsets.  Simply looking at the various changes in roles of women, men, children, and races has revealed the side effects of societal norms.  From working on plantations without rights to their own bodies to finally becoming integrated and viewed as equal, African Americans have suffered the stigma associated with their race.  Alongside this is the issue of women's rights and their desires to become involved in the workforce.  Over time and gradual mindset changes equality and rights have been achieved, but I believe the real issue behind societal expectations can be found in the definitions of words and how they are used.  Aimee Mullins does an incredible job emphasizing the importance of word definitions and how they are used in her Ted Talks about the demeaning impact of the word "disabled" to refer to an individual with special needs.  By reading the synonyms listed with this word, Mullins points out the demise of a person when referred to as disabled.  I was completely astounded by the debilitating synonyms of this word and cannot imagine my reaction to hearing someone refer to me as "disabled" when in reality it means that I am impotent and incapable of independence.  However, Mullins turns this negative into a positive by emphasizing how important it is for individuals to not look at their issues as the end but as a chance to adapt.  One idea that really sticks with me from this talk is how she mentioned it's not confrontation that we should be surprised to encounter - everyone encounters issues - but it is how we respond that truly matters.  Mullins herself is an incredible example of how issues in life can be overcome if we trust in the innate ability of human adaptation.


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